Australia’s first large-scale zero carbon brewer
Annually offsetting 93,000 tonnes of carbon
Leader of the pack
With TEM’s guidance and advice, Lion has become Australia’s first large-scale zero carbon brewer in 2020; by compounding its carbon reduction program with certified carbon credits that will offset its remaining organisational carbon footprint.
TEM has worked with Lion to establish a ‘whole brewery’ multi-year carbon neutral approach which involves annually offsetting nearly 93,000 tonnes of carbon across Australian operations. This is the equivalent of Lion’s remaining direct manufacturing emissions e.g. natural gas and electricity consumption at its breweries (Scope 1 & 2) and some indirect (Scope 3) emissions linked to business activity; e.g. emissions from business travel. Over the next three years, TEM will work with Lion to explore options for product certification via collaboration with its supply chain to tackle Scope 3 emissions, i.e. those embodied in ingredients, packaging and transport.
TEM is delivering Lion a portfolio of verified projects aligned with the brand’s key sustainability and marketing objectives, with a focus on bush regeneration, landholder and conservation projects that both cut carbon emissions, as well as protect vital habitat and food sources for native wildlife. A key strategy for the work TEM will do with Lion is to identify and develop a signature carbon offset project.